jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 1

The country I would like to visit is Japan beacuse is a very exotic place and I wanted to travel there since I was a child. They have a lot of new technology, like gigantic TVs on the buildings and, in some places, robots. The food can be from weird to delicious, but is always nice to taste new things.
If i go there, I would like to travel to Tokyo, visit a temple, go to the enclosure of stores and stay in a nice hotel.
Sincerely I would like to visit it only as a tourist, the reason is because the lives of most of the people is very depresing, they work a lot and come back to their houses very late. The cheapest departments are very small, I think smaller than the ones in Chile and the more comfortable ones are expensive. Of course there are some exceptions, but the reality for the people who lives there is a lot more different than it can be seen from the exterior.

4 comentarios:

  1. Japan is an interesting place to visit one day, I read a book about the experience of go there and it's crazy. I also would like to travel to Japar for prove extravagant meals.

  2. I agree to all of your views, although japan is a great country for their hsistoryand pop culture, their people have avery stressful life.

  3. I don't know if I would make a 12 hours trip to know anywhere

  4. If you get to travel there, remember that the shopping districts are vertical places, you have to go upstairs to every level, if you stay ground level it won’t be as amazing.
