jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Post 7

The activities I would like to do before I die are: win the lottery, travel to different countries, learn new languages, adopt a lot of different animals, have a big house, become vegan or vegetarian, go camping in a forest, going to space, having a picture with Pancho Saavedra, explore some old ruins, buy an island, see an UFO, explore an old abandoned hospital (like the ones of the horror movies), own a robot, appear in a movie, going to the gym without quitting, dive, and last, but not least, achieve all the previous activities. The most difficult activities are in this list are the ones that are posible only if you have a lot of money, even if I win the lottery I think can't go to space or buy an island, but at least I can travel. Also goig to the gym without quitting is difficult for me, because I'm lazy, but I know that I need to go to stay healthy, and becoming vegan or vegetarian is difficult for me since I like eating meat, but I know the situation of the animals. I haven't done any of the previous activities, except for learning english, but maybe in some future I could do one of them. I will probably share some of these activities with people that are important to me in the future, like family, friends, or a lover, but some of these activities I'll do them alone.

6 comentarios:

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  3. edit: wow, all of your objetives are cool. I laughed so hard about the photo with Pancho Saavedra xD

  4. Have a picture with Pancho Saavedra is the best I have read... EVER.
    I want that too!

  5. Your objetives are so fun, I hope you can do anything you want in your life!

  6. good luck in your travel to the space :O
